Robust and practical solution
for a multi-functional vehicle
Approved in October 2022 for the road in the whole European Union

The BALISEUR trailer version is used in « laying mode » (forwards) and retrieving mode » (reverse) at left or right rear. The mode is selected by switch on the power box.
The BALISEUR trailer version can be operated under normal road conditions – except snow, ice and storms (severe rain and wind).
A good visibility to car drivers is ensured by a signage of marker lights and reflective stripes of category B (visibility of 250 m) displaying the width of the unit.
The BALISEUR trailer version is designed to lay and retrieve standard traffic cones of 75 cm. The system can be adapted to cones of other sizes.
Better ergonomics:
– The operator doesn’t need to lean anymore out of the van and lift cones from ground level: less
– No more shocks on operator’s hands while retrieving.
– Fast installation: less than 1,5 minute
Better safety & visibility:
– The operator works at the back of the van having a permanent visibility of the traffic
– The traffic is distanced thanks to lateral deflector.
– Better signage thanks to marker lights.

Technical & economic highlights:
- The device doesn’t take up space inside the van which can be filled with a maximum of traffic cones.
Road-markings of more than 5 km can be installed (depending on cones spacing).
- It doesn’t reduce the payload but increases the total driving weight.
- The van is not dedicated to cones laying. It remains multipurpose.
- The system is all mechanical without any automation. The maintenance can be done by an in-house technician trained by OPTOmachines.
- The implementation into the vehicle is very simple. The van doesn’t need be brought for an intervention in our workshop.