abc RICE HD: Rice Analysis station
New version:
Camera with higher resolution for better accuracy
Accuracy attested by an accredited laboratory

The Abc-RICE HD is dedicated to analyze rice grains by image processing. The whole measurements are achieved in less than 1 minute on samples from 10 to 20 grams of white rice and cargo.
The device is ready to be used with standard adjustments for Europe. Abc-RICE HD has a compact and ergonomic design with an integrated tactile PC for saving working space. This new version integrates a higher resolution camera and improved algorithms for a better accuracy.
Before each delivery, the machine is fully checked and supplied with a control report. We also supply the report of an independent accredited laboratory (for rice measurements) showing the comparative results of their own results with the accredited methods and the results by Abc-RICE, on the same sample. This measurement report certifies the measurement accuracy of biometry and broken rate results with Abc-RICE HD.
Functioning: pour 10 to 20 g of rice kernels (it depends on the variety) on the corrugated plate and slide the plate into the machine.
The results appear in approximately 1 minute on the screen and are automatically saved. A measurement report can be printed for each sample. For each measurement the whole results on broken rate and biometry are saved for a total traceability:
– Biometric file of the whole sample (length, width, surface of each grain, etc…)
– Image of each grain for further analysis.

In order to certify the measurement accuracy of the biometry and broken rate results obtained with the Abc-RICE, we commissioned the independent accredited laboratory : Laboratoriz – 3 rue Yvan Audouard, 13200 Arles – FRANCE, for releasing an analysis report integrating their own results according to the accredited methods and the results obtained with the Abc-RICE on the same sample.
The report shows the serial number of the machine.