Laboratory equipment for Seed Treatment Coverage Analysis
by image processing
Check and optimize your seed treatment process by analyzing the seed coverage
The use of seed coating treatments enhances seed quality, provides protection against pests and diseases and improves seed germination rates.
The treatment recipes can be optimized by measuring the seed coverage. Our equipment measures the seed coverage by computing color analysis and classification on seed samples.
Two main principles are the basis of the color algorithm :
- Automatic color parameters are computed with the help of a learning procedure based on the analysis of a reference seeds sample,
- Automatic parameters are applied to new samples in order to measure seeds coverage with the same standard as the related reference.
The equipment is also able to characterize the seeds in terms of morphometry and thousand seed weigth.

List of available measurements :
1- Seed Coverage :
- global percentage of coverage
- average coverage of individual seeds
- quantity of seeds with coverage higher than a limit
- standard deviation of seed coverage
The processing time is less than one minute.
2- Fast Thousand Seed Weight:
TSW on corn, wheat, oil seed rape, barley, etc… in less than 3 seconds can be easily calculated with this equipment.
3- Morphometric parameters:
Hundred morphometric descriptors can be applied to each grain for seed characterization:
- form parameters: length, width, perimeter, diameter, surface, eccentricity, circularity…etc.
- texture parameters: grey levels, Kurtosis index (of the grey levels histogram)
- colour parameters: RGB R mean, RGB R standard deviation, mean, max, etc…
The measurements and images are saved automatically.
Check and optimize your seed treatment process by analyzing the seed coverage with the OPTO Agrimetric – Seed Treatment Coverage Analysis.